Approximately 75% of the U.S. population struggles with some form of periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease. LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) laser therapy is one of the latest most effective methods of treatment for dealing with this issue.
Who is a candidate for LANAP laser surgery?
Patients with moderate-to-severe gum disease benefit from the LANAP protocol, a minimally invasive, laser alternative to conventional scalpel surgery. The LANAP protocol is an excellent treatment option for patients who are fearful of conventional scalpel surgery.
What to Expect:
Your LANAP Surgery
LANAP periodontal surgery is a full-mouth procedure usually completed in one 3-hour appointment. For some patients with certain medical conditions, the LANAP procedure may be completed in two 2-hour visits. In this situation, one side of the mouth is treated during the first visit, and the other side of the mouth is treated the second visit. Surgeries are usually scheduled within one week of one another. Although LANAP is a relatively painless procedure, you will be given local anesthetic injections to numb your mouth before the procedure. Most patients experience little to no discomfort. It is common to quickly return to work or other activities. Some patients who feel more anxious may choose to take an anti-anxiety medication prior to coming into the office. A driver is required for patients who chose to do so.
The First Few Days
You may experience mild aching, dull throbbing, or soreness of the treated areas for the first couple days—this can be helped with mild over-the-counter pain medications. Patients usually report their post LANAP treatment discomfort level being a 1 or 2 on a scale of 1-10. The tissue around the teeth may appear discolored. Your bite may feel slightly different, but the teeth will adapt. You will be prescribed a medicated mouth rinse to be used during the first 2 weeks after treatment and then will be instructed not to brush or floss during this time. You will also need to follow a liquid or mushy diet for those 2 weeks.
Follow-up Care
One of the contributing factors of periodontal disease is trauma from tooth to tooth contact; therefore a night guard may be recommended to minimize clenching forces on the teeth. It may also be necessary to make adjustments to your teeth so that they all function equally (bite together with an even amount of force).
Expect to have your teeth professionally cleaned every three months for at least the first year and then as recommended by your dentist.
Home Care
Your home care is very important. We will make certain recommendations regarding your home care custom fit to your mouth. This may include an antibacterial mouth rinse, electric toothbrush, flossing and/or using a WaterPik and PerioProtect medication trays. We cannot stress enough the importance of good daily hygiene habits.
The average cost of LANAP treatment in the US is between $2,000-$10,000 depending on how many areas need treatment. LANAP treatment may sound expensive, however, it is not just about the cost of LANAP treatment itself. More traditional treatments involve invasive, resective surgeries that remove gum and bone and replace it with artificial bone graft materials. LANAP is a natural healing, regenerative procedure that allows your body to regenerate its own bone. Additionally, alternatives such as extractions and dental implants could cost anywhere from $6,000 (single tooth) – $60,000 (full mouth).
Periodontal disease is a chronic infection. THERE IS NO CURE FOR PERIODONTAL DISEASE. The LANAP protocol is an excellent treatment, but it is not a cure. The goal of LANAP treatment is to reverse some of the effects of the disease and to help you maintain a healthy mouth. By continuing this partnership, we will help you treat this serious disease. Our goal is to assist you with obtaining the best care for your mouth and to preserve good overall health.