Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and Lincolnshire IL
Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and when something disturbs your sleep cycle, it can dramatically affect other areas of your health. Bruxism, the condition of clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep, could result in additional health complications. Unfortunately, the situation often goes undiagnosed until uncovered by your dentist or other health concerns arise. Today on the blog, our Lake Forest dentists share five health complications caused by bruxism and how you can avoid them.
Dental Damage
Clenching and grinding your teeth while sleeping can cause substantial damage to your teeth and gums. Since there is a tremendous amount of pressure on your teeth, they could easily crack or break, making it prone to bacterial growth and cavity formation. Also, our Lake Bluff dentists that treat bruxism warn that without proper treatment, the condition could cause jaw misalignment resulting in severe pain.
Consistent Headaches
Waking up daily with a mild to severe headache can cause complications throughout the day, from mood swings to a lack of concentration. Although the activity happens at night, it could linger into your daily routine with earaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and jaw pain that distracts you from your daily tasks. Bruxism is a serious condition that requires professional treatment. Our physiologic dentists in Lincolnshire at Lake Forest Smiles can help you reclaim your life and live pain-free.
Stress Release
According to the National Sleep Foundation, patients who suffer from increased levels of stress, anxiety, or are prompt to anger are at an increased risk for developing bruxism. Because of higher stress levels, some patients develop other habits that could contribute to bruxism, such as smoking or alcohol consumption. The bruxism dentists in Lake Forest recommend developing a healthy practice during overly stressful times such as yoga, walking, or dancing in the living room with your children to help reduce built-up stress. However, if you are not active and relieve your daily stress, bruxism could develop as a way for your body to relieve stress. Therefore, if you experience any symptoms you think could indicate bruxism, contact Lake Forest Smiles, as the condition should not go untreated.
Disrupted Sleep Patterns
When your jaw is busy clenching and grinding, it could lead to restless sleep and result in grogginess the following day. According to the American Sleep Association, bruxism typically occurs during the first sleep stage just before REM sleep. Clenching and grinding your teeth interrupt your regular sleep patterns because it delays the REM sleep cycle, or it can cause waking episodes preventing your body from entering deep sleep. The physiologic dentists in Lake Bluff offer a custom-made mouthguard that you wear while sleeping to absorb the pressure of your bite and protect your teeth from unnecessary wear and tear. The tension relief from the mouthguard should improve your sleep quality and reduce the pains in your head, jaw, neck, and shoulders.
Underlying Sleep Disorders
The Bruxism Association states that bruxism occurs because of other triggers such as underlying health conditions or other causes. Sleep conditions like snoring and sleep apnea that originate from an obstructed airway could cause bruxism. The sleep apnea dentists in Lincolnshire provide the necessary exams and treatments to help manage bruxism so that you can wake well rested and refreshed.
Bruxism Treatment in Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and Lincolnshire
Living with debilitating headaches and persistent sleepiness can create disastrous outcomes in your day. You can reclaim your focus and avoid unintentional mistakes and accidents after receiving treatment for bruxism. If you suffer from consistent headaches, sleepiness, an inability to concentrate or mood swings, contact Lake Forest Smiles to schedule an appointment. Feel free to call us at (847) 234-4800 or contact us online to schedule your appointment with Dr. Campbell or Dr. Schmidt today!