The only way to truly understand the current state of your oral health is to visit your dentist in Lake Forest for your regular dental checkups and dental cleanings. After all, this is the perfect time for them to evaluate your oral health and address any concerns that they may come across. Learn more about how your can improve your oral health in this week’s blog post.
How to Determine Your Current State of Oral Health
When you look at your teeth and gums in the mirror, you may be oblivious to the telltale signs of oral health concerns. For instance, the beginning signs of oral cancer may not be easily recognizable to the untrained eye.
That’s why it’s so important to visit your dentist. During your regular 6-month dental checkups and cleaning appointments, your dentist will complete a comprehensive visual exam of the entire mouth. This means that your dentist will check the cheeks, tongue, teeth, jaw, head, and neck for any abnormalities.
Then, your dentist will complete dental x-rays to see the inner structures of your mouth. Finally, a dental hygienist will perform a deep dental cleaning of the teeth and gums. All these things will help determine the problems that you may have with your smile and then move forward with your dental team to address them for better oral health.
Tips to Improve Your Oral Health
1. Brush and Floss Your Teeth Daily.
Keeping great dental care at home is key to maintaining a strong, healthy smile. You must brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes per session. Also, don’t ever skip out on flossing your teeth, as this leaves dental plaque and bacteria between the teeth.
2. Ask Your Dentist for Better Dental Product Recommendations.
As mentioned above, your dentist in Lake Forest is here to be your partner in the journey to better oral health. If you ever have questions about how to improve your oral health or which products to use, your dentist will be able to make the best recommendations based on your personal needs. Everything that your dentist recommends will be safe to use, especially on your smile.
3. Don’t Skip Out on Dental Appointments.
This tip can’t be reiterated enough! Your dentist is here to help you optimize your oral health, so its important to visit them at least twice a year. Be sure to schedule your appointments ahead of time so that you can plan your day around them!
About Our Office
Do you need a dental office to call home? A place you can visit twice a year without a shadow of doubt that they will care for you and your smile? Look no further than Lake Forest Smiles! Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.